Pain Management Specialist Questions Pain Management Specialist

I have right leg and flank pain?

I was wondering what would cause this to happen inside my leg. I have extreme pain like labor pains that literally have me crying begging for mercy. Can I put a heating pad on it? This happens over the course of three weeks. I've already seen a specialist orthopedic and he wants to give me an MRI but I’m still going through major pain was kind of hoping to see what the heck this thing to be.

Male | 42 years old
Complaint duration: 21
Medications: Gabapenion celecoxib cyclobenza
Conditions: Pain extreme

1 Answer

You have provided me with very little history. The description of your pain is not helpful either. When did it start? What makes it recur? Where exactly is this pain, thigh or leg, near the knee, medial or lateral? What makes it worse? Anything make it better? Heating pad is not a good idea. If it’s an inflammatory condition, heat will only make it worse. Is there a change in the skin where the pain seems to be located? Any skin rash associated with this pain? Ice is almost always a benefit if applied for a minimum of 20 mins. Can’t really help you without knowing more information.