“I have side cramping?”
Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 1
3 Answers
DoctorDoctorIt sounds like that may be a problem that is coming down from your low back. Otherwise, it would most likely not travel into your legs. I would try to see a physical therapist sooner rather than later. When you jump on these things quickly, they are easy to fix! The longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to treat. Do yourself and favor and get on it quickly so that you can fix it and move on living your life to the best you can.
Was the bladder removed at age 9 for a cancer? Have there been surveillance studies conducted to assure no recurrence, if that was the case? As far as addressing the symptoms, it would be prudent to seek an MRI of the thoracic ("middle") area of the spine, to assess the vertebrae (bones of the spine) and intervertebral discs (spacers between vertebrae). The type of pain you are describing can be the result of muscle strains or sprains; ligament stretching; nerve entrapment ('pinched nerve'); bony pathology (facet joint disruption); disc problems (herniated or bulging discs); or possibly some type of occult (hidden) malignancy. I strongly recommend an evaluation by a spine specialist and the obtaining of the MRI at the very least. Hopefully, it will be some type of muscle problem which can be addressed using topical (on the skin) analgesics or muscle relaxants taken by mouth.
Good luck!
Kenneth D. Candido, M.D.