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I have spontaneously gained the ability to move my ears?

I am a 30 year old female, disabled veteran. I have a history of mTBI (2010) and PTSD (2011) caused my MST. I am overweight but overall healthy with no diseases or infections. I have had left side hemiparesis that I consider to be very mild and I have an unusual gait. My memory is poor but my cognitive functioning is not bad enough to cause too many problems, although with my combined issues I am considered 100% disabled and can not work. I receive regular treatment for my diagnoses and take all medications prescribed to me. However recently, and randomly, my ears have begun to move. I have never been able to move my ears before. It started out as a response to hearing sounds, now it happens when I glance around or focus on things in my vision.

I do have intense anxiety in public or social situations, and it does feel like a physical symptom of hypervigilance but I am not sure. It feels like a lopsided headband around my skull, particularly the left side of my head just above my ear. Sometimes it tenses so hard it becomes painful as if it is strained. What could cause this sudden change and does it suggest a neurological change that I should be concerned about?

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 5 months
Medications: Wellbutrin, Desyrel, Phentermine
Conditions: PTSD, TBI, hemiparesis left side, TMJ dysfunction, lumbar spondylosis, chronic cervicalgia, prostrating migraines

2 Answers

First, thank you for your service. God bless you and heal you. Now to your question: A long time ago, I was in a conference with Dr. Edward Teller of the famous Manhattan Project (the atomic weapons program). The discussion was would we be able to reach the speed of light travel and this time travel. He would not commit to an answer either way. After pressing him, he looked at me sternly and replied, "Young man, I DON'T KNOW." Well, needless to say, I was disappointed. With time, I realized that even the most bright and enlightened minds don't know it all. By the same token, I don't have a simple answer for you. I can state that after brain insults certain people have developed extraordinary capabilities. Perhaps this is the case with you. If it's not troubling, then use it to your advantage. A speedy recovery to you.
Thank you for your service.
I don’t know of any explanation for what has happened to you. Certainly when an increase in movement occurs, that’s a good thing, but how that can happen is puzzling.