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I have swelling in my feet and legs?

My feet and legs swell up. I take water pills but the swelling is not going down. What can I do?

2 Answers

First of all, you need to make an appointment with your primary care doctor so they can find out what is causing the swelling. It could be several things. Could be your kidneys, your heart-like congestive heart failure, could be a hereditary swelling called angioedema. Your doctor needs to run some tests on you including blood work and an ultrasound of the heart to see why you are swelling.
Feet swelling can be caused by many issues, worsening of cardiac function (heart), kidney function, liver fibrosis or enlargement, etc. It can also be caused simply by incompetent leg veins (varicosities etc.). Long story short here, you should visit with your primary care doctor -
maybe whoever prescribes you the water pills.