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Dr. Melissa Molina, M.D.

Family Practitioner

Dr. Melissa Molina is a family practitioner practicing in El Paso, TX. Dr. Molina specializes in comprehensive health care for people of all ages. In addition to diagnosing and treating illnesses, family practitioners also put focus on preventative care with routine checkups, tests and personalized coaching on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Molina possesses immense general knowledge on maintaining health and today, family practitioners provide more care for the underserved and rural populations than any other medical specialty.
27 years Experience
Dr. Melissa Molina, M.D.
  • El Paso, TX
  • University of New Mexico School of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Should I see a doctor?

Yes, u should see a doctor for all these symptoms. They need to figure out what's going on with blood work and other tests.

My body feels like a complete wreck, what could it be?

You need to see your primary care physician immediately so they can do a full physical as well as blood work to check your red and white blood cells, your liver and kidney function, READ MORE
You need to see your primary care physician immediately so they can do a full physical as well as blood work to check your red and white blood cells, your liver and kidney function, and your thyroid and vitamin levels. Then the dr can start trying to find out what your condition is. I would stop taking all the "natural supplements" so you can see if they are causing problems. It sounds like you have some kind of vitamin deficiency or some metal toxicity but you need to be examined as soon as possible.

Chest pain and congestion?

Chest pain with congestion could be many things. It could be pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, or grave things such as heart inflammation or congestive heart failure. You READ MORE
Chest pain with congestion could be many things. It could be pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, or grave things such as heart inflammation or congestive heart failure. You need to see your primary care doctor or a pulmonologist (lung doctor) as soon as possible so they can get a chest X-ray and other tests such as a CT.

Lump on my right pec?

This lump could be several things but the most important thing is to make an appointment with your primary doctor to examine the lump. He or she will need to get an ultrasound READ MORE
This lump could be several things but the most important thing is to make an appointment with your primary doctor to examine the lump. He or she will need to get an ultrasound of your pec muscle to see if the mass is fluid or solid. Also, you need blood work to make sure you don't have any underlying conditions. It could be a lipoma which is a benign mass of fat or it could be something malignant so it's very important you don't ignore this and go to your Dr immediately.

UK covid mandate?

Recently the Supreme Court ruled on COVID mandates. They did say that companies no longer have to mandate COVID vaccines; however, this does not apply to healthcare workers. They READ MORE
Recently the Supreme Court ruled on COVID mandates. They did say that companies no longer have to mandate COVID vaccines; however, this does not apply to healthcare workers. They did rule to KEEP the COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

Xanax and alcohol?

Well in theory you shouldn't drink alcohol with Xanax. Xanax is a "downer" so mixing it with any alcohol makes the effects stronger. So it can potentially make you drunker, sicker, READ MORE
Well in theory you shouldn't drink alcohol with Xanax. Xanax is a "downer" so mixing it with any alcohol makes the effects stronger. So it can potentially make you drunker, sicker, cause your heart rate to decrease, and ultimately death. So I would say there is no time to take Xanax with alcohol.

Disorientation and loss of sight?

You need to see your doctor immediately. Any sudden loss of sight and disorientation can be from many things including clogged arteries, brain issues such as mini-strokes, tumors, READ MORE
You need to see your doctor immediately. Any sudden loss of sight and disorientation can be from many things including clogged arteries, brain issues such as mini-strokes, tumors, could be your blood sugar going low. Either way, you need to go to your doctor and get a full physical with blood work and CT of your head and ultrasound of your carotid arteries.

Can I actually drink alcohol on pregabalin?

You should not drink alcohol with this pill because it's a neurological pill and you can have several side effects like increased absorption, liver inflammation, and increased READ MORE
You should not drink alcohol with this pill because it's a neurological pill and you can have several side effects like increased absorption, liver inflammation, and increased sleepiness. I would not recommend drinking alcohol not even a little.

What do I do?

You need to see your primary care doctor for a complete exam and if there is pain in your teeth and sinuses you need a CT scan of your sinuses as well. It could be a tooth abscess, READ MORE
You need to see your primary care doctor for a complete exam and if there
is pain in your teeth and sinuses you need a CT scan of your sinuses as
well. It could be a tooth abscess, chronic sinusitis causing headaches.

Pill possibly stuck in throat?

Please go to the Emergency Room as soon as possible if you feel it's stuck.

Hives symptoms?

Hives can be from allergies, reactions, stress, autoimmune disorders. You need to make an appointment with your primary care Dr or an allergist to have some blood work and other READ MORE
Hives can be from allergies, reactions, stress, autoimmune disorders. You
need to make an appointment with your primary care Dr or an allergist to
have some blood work and other testing to see why you're getting hives. It
could be angioedema which is a genetic autoimmune reaction where ur body
reacts to different things.

Can you remove HSV from your blood with medication?

HSV or helped simplex virus cannot be removed from your blood it stays dormant in the NERVES. It will always be in your nerves to some extent and when you immune system decreased READ MORE
HSV or helped simplex virus cannot be removed from your blood it stays
dormant in the NERVES. It will always be in your nerves to some extent and
when you immune system decreased or your stressed etc you will break out in
a herpes rash or shingles. You can control your disease with antiviral
medication bit it doesn't "remove the virus" just makes it stay quiet.

Taking nurofen (ibprofen) or orphenadrine for my chest pain?

First of all if you are having regular chest pain you need to see your primary care Dr or a cardiologist to see what is going on with your heart. It could be many things from reflux READ MORE
First of all if you are having regular chest pain you need to see your
primary care Dr or a cardiologist to see what is going on with your heart.
It could be many things from reflux heartburn, rib pain to cardiac pain
from enlarged heart or blood vessel constriction. You need to have it
checked out immediately.

Sore legs?

You need to see your primary care doctor. Burning legs could be many things but you need blood work to make sure there is nothing wrong with your thyroid level, your minerals, READ MORE
You need to see your primary care doctor. Burning legs could be many things but you need blood work to make sure there is nothing wrong with your thyroid level, your minerals, and vitamins such as B12 and folate deficiency. Your doctor will run several tests to find out why.

Bradicardia condition?

Yes, you definitely need to go to the ER when your heart rate goes that low but you really need to make an appointment with a cardiologist to check out the reason why you have READ MORE
Yes, you definitely need to go to the ER when your heart rate goes that low but you really need to make an appointment with a cardiologist to check out the reason why you have bradycardia. The need to do a Holter monitor, ultrasound of your heart, and blood work to see why this is happening.

Wellbutrin and alcohol?

You really shouldn't drink alcohol with any antidepressants. You can always have side effects so it's probably best that you don't.

Diabetes question?

Glucofort is a "natural supplement " for diabetes but it has several minerals ingredients that could cause interactions with his diabetes medications. I would talk to your primary READ MORE
Glucofort is a "natural supplement " for diabetes but it has several minerals ingredients that could cause interactions with his diabetes medications. I would talk to your primary care Dr and ask if it's safe or If you should just stop it.

I have swelling in my feet and legs?

First of all, you need to make an appointment with your primary care doctor so they can find out what is causing the swelling. It could be several things. Could be your kidneys, READ MORE
First of all, you need to make an appointment with your primary care doctor so they can find out what is causing the swelling. It could be several things. Could be your kidneys, your heart-like congestive heart failure, could be a hereditary swelling called angioedema. Your doctor needs to run some tests on you including blood work and an ultrasound of the heart to see why you are swelling.

Chest pain?

Any kind of chest pain needs to be treated as something very urgent. You need to go to your local urgent care or ER where they can get an EKG to check if you are having a heart READ MORE
Any kind of chest pain needs to be treated as something very urgent. You need to go to your local urgent care or ER where they can get an EKG to check if you are having a heart attack or have some issue with the conduction in your heart. They can also get blood work there. Chest pain can be many things such as heart attack, pleurisy, inflammation of your heart, inflammation of your ribs, or heartburn/reflux. It can be from medications that you are taking legal and illegal ex. Cocaine. So you need to go to your local primary care doctor or ER so they can check you.

How long can you wait to have hernia surgery?

There is no set waiting time. As long as you find a good surgeon, you can have it as soon as possible.