“I have to get up to pee throughout the night and it interrupts my sleep. Is something wrong?”
I can't get a good night's sleep anymore because I have to get up to pee multiple times during the night. Is there something wrong?
11 Answers
I recommend first being evaluated by your primary care provider to get a better idea of the source of your problems. It could be several things from obstruction from an enlarged prostate or severe constipation, high blood pressure (laying down increases your blood pressure), an overactive bladder from neuropathy or spinal issues, infection in the genitourinary tract, drinking too much fluid after 6pm, high sugar levels if you have diabetes, bladder stones, etc.
There are specific tests and imaging and/or procedures that are additionally performed to rule in or out a possible causes once all the variables are known.
I hope that this helps!
There are specific tests and imaging and/or procedures that are additionally performed to rule in or out a possible causes once all the variables are known.
I hope that this helps!
I apologize, I'm not sure with whom I'm speaking, but if you were born a male and have a prostate, it could be an enlarged prostate in which you may want to go to your doctor to get that checked out. But it could also be a pelvic floor issue, which can happen to anyone. Sometimes if the pelvic floor muscles are too tight or are weak they can cause frequent urination. You may want to visit a good pelvic floor physical therapist. Depending on where you live I may be able to refer you to a good one. kurt@beaconpt.com
It's possible that there could be an underlying issue causing your frequent nighttime urination. I recommend consulting with a healthcare professional to evaluate your symptoms and discuss potential causes, such as urinary tract infections, prostate problems, or diabetes.
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Depends on age and rest of health. It may be normal once or twice if you are a big fluid drinker, but it would make sense to talk to your primary doc and a urologist. If it’s disruptive to sleep, it needs to be addressed.

Steven M. Simon
Physiatrist (Physical Medicine)
Don’t know your age or sex, so the answer would vary. See your local doc for sure, but try drinking nothing after dinner and avoid caffeine after early afternoon.

Jason Markle
Physiatrist (Physical Medicine)
A lot of the times this is an age related issue pertaining to your prostate (for men) or pelvic floor (for women), but at times, this can be a sign for lumbar/spine issues. I would discuss these symptoms with your PCP, and if their treatment fails to help, then seeing a spine specialist to make sure there isn't anything going on there as well.
There are lots of reasons. Firstly I do not know your age. Prostate can be a problem but also are your drinking lots of fluids priory to bed time. Try not to drink after 6 pm However I have no medical history so difficult to ascertain. Age any medications stress prior kidney history. If in doubt go to a urologist and get a scan of your kidneys and bladder plus a urinary sample to rule out any infection diabetes. also check your prostate. Certain medications make you urinate more blood pressure meds do this
Hi there. This issue I would discuss with your primary care physician, get checked out and have some testing done. You want to rule out serious conditions such as an infection or diabetes.
As we don't know your sex, I assume u r man and it's most common problem after 50 or so. May worse as you get older due to mostly benign prostatic hypertrophy. Prostate enlarge as age increases. Go to urologist- doctor for care of prostate. Drink no water after 6 PM. Infection after blockage of urethra is possible, doc can help very well. Once treated well, no problem. Prostate can be shrinked, CEALIS 5 mgms daily plus FLOMAX 0.4 mgms at bed time can help. Orange juice, cranberry juice gives vit C, can help, but pl go to see doctor soon. God bless you. In China, 5000 years old saying is--- Most Pleasurable experience for a man, after 50 years of age, is evacuation of bladder.