“I hurt my knee this morning ”
I heard a snap and felt a sharp pain so I fell into the bus seats it hurt really bad but the pain started going down some
I decided I still wanted to try to go to school
I was pretty dizzy after (probably from adrenaline) but as that wore off it was hurting more
When it was time to head for my first class I realized that walking was pretty painful and it wouldn't be a good idea to just ignore it all day especially since I have to go up and down stairs and walk in crowds between classes
So I got my aunt and uncle to take me home and my uncle looked at it and had me keep ice to it and keep it above my head which made it a lot less painful and the swelling went down
It still hurts some, especially when I move it certain ways and I feel like my knee is a little... Wobbly if that makes sense
I am not a active person and I am overweight if that matters
My guess is that I damaged a ligament although my mother and brother are saying that I'm just being dramatic and should've stayed in school
(I do have sensory issues but even if it is nothing it still hurts a lot to have my concern for my health so harshly disregarded)
I'll be going to school tomorrow regardless and I likely won't go to anyone with this because it again, wouldn't be taken seriously but I wanted to at least get a doctor's opinion since I doubt I'll actually be seeing one
Thank you for reading (and sorry I kept adding stuff I should be saving for my next therapy session)
Female | 16 years old
Medications: Not on anything right now
4 Answers
Orthopedic Spine Surgery
(on a regular basis for at least 5 days in a row) and try to continue to ice and elevate especially at the end of the day. If after 2 weeks there is no improvement, you should see an orthopedic surgeon.
If you tore a ligament (the soft tissues holding the bones together), then it can be a slight tear or a big one. The big ones will give you feelings of continued and worsening pain and instability (wobbly) that will not go away. A partial or small tear should slowly get better, but this may take 2-6 weeks. I recommend ice and elevation, and also to gently move the knee (make the leg straight as you can and then using your hands make it as bent as you can, and compare it with the uninjured side). In the long run (your life), if you feel that ‘I am not a active person and I am overweight’ then I would strongly encourage you to try and become more active and to slowly lose weight by eating smaller portions, drinking more water, taking in more fiber, and not eating fried, processed, or salty foods. Life is long and those people who are less active and carry around too much weight for their body frames run the risk of getting chronic diseases (pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity). I have faith that with the right changes you can make a positive impact on your bodily health over the long-term.
If you still have feelings of giving way or wobbly when putting weight on it (or twisting or stairs) by next week (Monday/Tuesday) then I recommend going to see your primary care doctor so they can refer you to see an orthopedic doctor.