Doctor Questions Doctor

I'm having an injection side effect?

I received an injection, it was IM voltaren 75mg on my deltoid. This caused a swell and a lump sized of about 0.5cm-1cm with severe pain which persist even after 3 months. What might have gone wrong?

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 5months
Medications: Na
Conditions: Swell arm and a lump sized 1cm

2 Answers

There are a few simple things that may have caused the persistent mass. You could have developed a small hematoma. There would be a granulomatous reaction which is seen sometimes in foreign body reactions. Essentially the body reacts with inflammatory cells that cause the mass effect. A less likely cause would be an abscess from infection If it remains painful and doesn’t resolve then it might be possible to excise the painful lesion. Your Orthopaedic surgeon should be able to give you the best options
Need more information, however, if it is concerning, have it evaluated.

Robert D. Swift, DO, FAOAO