General Practice Questions General Practitoner

I'm having some health problems?

I am 31 year old man and I have some health problems. My body shows some symptoms, I have pain in my chest, neck, leg, and also headache. But I leave them but days more before 7 days night I have breathing problems and sweating and chest pain. As if I hit sharply at my chest then I go to the hospital my pulse is high and ECG no problem. Then they gave me 3 days tablets after 3 days I will be more tense about my personal issues. I have the same sweating, chest pain, and my is pulse high, I came back but at night horrible feeling. The front of my head is in pain and my head gives some vibration or like goosebumps feelings now my pulse is 120bpm.

Male | 31 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Conditions: 130/80 bp, HR 131bpm , ecg shows sinus tachycardia, left axis deviation, poor R waves progression (V4)

3 Answers

Hi there,

You need to see a cardiologist so they can do an echocardiogram of your heart and possibly a holster monitor. If you can’t get a hold of a cardiologist right now, which might be difficult with the pandemic, then try to see your primary care physician even if it is a telemedicine meeting. Things that come to mind is you could have covid or had covid and are having heart manifestations if an old infection, or possibly a thyroid issue, anxiety, or possibly a blur clot. if it persists, please go to your closest Emergency Room. Also make sure you are drinking enough water and getting enough rest. We underestimate how much water and lack of rest can impact us.
Be well and thank you for your question.
You should have a more in-depth cardiopulmonary workup. Other conditions such as anxiety or panic attacks can cause this issue, but they are a diagnosis with exclusion. Good luck
Is there any history of cardiac arrhythmias or cardiac diseases in your family? Are you under a significant amount of stress? When you have these attacks, what are you doing or thinking about -- are you overwhelmed significantly, stressed, anxious, racing thoughts, etc.? Or are you calm, and all of a sudden the chest pain comes on with palpitations? Do you all of a sudden get short of breath while calm with the chest pain/palpitations and tachycardia?

All of these questions are significant for different reasons. If there is stressful situations, etc., as described above, this could be the product of panic attacks, and these are some of the physical symptoms that are displaying. Stress and anxiety can cause physical issues within our bodies that are irreversible. Please know that if this is stress/anxiety related, please make sure you get this treated as it would be the underlying cause. That would be the only way to improve the symptoms you're currently having.
Hope this information helps.