Sleep Medicine Specialist Questions Sleep Medicine Specialist

I may have a serious sleeping disorder?

I think I have a sleeping disorder it's very similar to sleep paralysis but isn't I struggle to fall asleep. When I do I can't hear anything or feel anything I am talking about screaming kids water being poured on or being shaken I can't feel anything but I seem to open my eyes and respond but I will have no recollection of doing such and I go straight back to sleep afterward like nothing ever happened it's been like this for years. I don't even remember having a single dream or know what dreams are or like this cause fatigue and a very sore body most times I wake up with bruises and they got worse over time what could be wrong and how or who should I see to fix this.

Female | 24 years old
Complaint duration: Years
Medications: None
Conditions: High blood pressure

4 Answers

You should definitely see a board certified sleep specialist, preferably associated with an AASM accredited sleep center.
There is a condition called REM behavioral disorder that sounds much like your story. The diagnosis is with a sleep study. The causes are many.
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This is a complex question with many sub questions. You have what appears to be sleep onset insomnia. That is often related to stress or anxiety or environmental factors or medications or what are generically called sleep hygiene problems. That should be explored with your physician. If you are particularly tired being immobile,hard to arrouse and remembering nothing is probably normal. Not remembering dreams can be normal. Drugs and alcohol can accentuate this behavior. Awakenings need to be longer than 2 minutes to have any chance of remembering them. Fatigue has many meanings and ought to be explored with your physician. Awakening with bruises raises the question of whether you are walking or flailing in sleep or whether there is some non-sleep related problem related to clotting disorders. I would strongly recommend seeing an internal medicine physician and perhaps additionally obtaining a sleep physician consultation.
sleep paralysis is very common, more common and more frequent in sleep deprivation, narcolepsy and other neurological problems. if you sleepy during the day, narcolepsy would be my concern. See your local sleep doctor