Obstetrician and Gynecologist Questions OB-GYN

I need medical assistance?

Hello, I have enlarged lymph nodes under the armpit. I don't have any other symptoms and I feel completely healthy and normal. I don't have a fever or lost weight. I also don't have any other symptoms of breast cancer. I have had this for about a year maybe even more. And now I am really scared because it won't go away.

Female | 26 years old
Complaint duration: More than one year
Medications: None .I don't take any
Conditions: enlarged lymph nodes under the armpit

5 Answers

That can be caused by many things. You should set an appointment with your primary care physician for further evaluation. You may need imaging, such as a CT or ultrasound. Don't panic, but do seek medical evaluation!
You should get this checked out by a primary care physician. Make sure to provide a thorough past history - any current or past medical issues, prior surgeries, any medications or supplements, a family history (cancers, autoimmune or inflammatory disorders), potential exposures to animals and any illicit substance usage.
I would recommend urgently to see gynecologist to make sure there is no risk of breast cancer and if all normal, next to go to primary care doctor for further evaluation.

Dr Marina Strizhevsky
Please go to see your primary care physician. Breast cancer is a major, but no the only concern. Lymphoma for instance can cause enlarged lymph nodes.
The enlarged lymph nodes do need to be evaluated and I would start with a primary care doctor. I am an endocrinologist and do not take care of lymph nodes (sometimes called lymph glands but these are not endocrine organs). There are several imaging studies available to better define the abnormality and a primary care doctor can expedite the diagnostic plan.