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I swallowed water down the wrong way?

I swallowed water down the wrong way while drinking about four hours ago, but I held my cough in. It still feels like something is stuck in the bottom of my throat that I can’t clear or cough up now. I want to sleep but there I’d had some random small spurts of pain in my lungs/ribs and I don’t know if it is safe to sleep or if I'm dry drowning. It wasn't a lot of water.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: omeprazole

5 Answers

For all practical purposes if any material enters the wrong way it should be coughed up which is a normal defensive reflex to prevent any material from causing lung damage. Cough should therefore not be held and in fact, it is very hard to hold a cough in such instances because when the trachea is stimulated/irritated by a foreign body cough must happen in an awake, healthy individual that is not intoxicated by any alcohol or drugs. Fortunately, water by itself is not going to cause any major damage to the lungs and this choking event should be of no consequence in most cases.

You are not dry drowning. You may have caused some irritation or inflammation of your lungs that should resolve on its own within 24-48 hours. If you are a smoker, DO NOT SMOKE or VAPE.
It’s fine to sleep. If it was just water, it will reabsorb. Take Motrin 800mg and Benadryl 25mg. You should be fine by tomorrow.

You are more than welcome to come into the Urgent Care to be evaluated.
You are not drowning. Even if you did allow a bit of water into your airway, it may cause a bit of irritation, but would be absorbed if not coughed out. A very common reason for sharp shooting pain lasting only for a few seconds, around the ribs or inside the chest, is known as atelectasis. This happens when a small area of the lungs is "deflated" a bit, or collapsed somewhat. As it re-inflates, like when you take a deep breath, it can be a bit painful.
Atelectasis occurs when you have been breathing shallow for a while, or when you have been stationary for a long time.
Get up and take some deep breaths. Stretch! The pain in your ribs will likely go away.