Ophthamologist Questions Ophthalmologist

I tasted my eye drops?

Is it concerning if I tasted my eye drops because it flows down to my mouth?

11 Answers

Thank you for your inquiry. It isn't recommended to intentionally "taste" eye drops, however in a very small quantity it isn't likely to cause harm.
That’s normal. Your Ear, eyes, and throat canals are all connected
No it is not concerning. The tears drain from the eye into the nose via the nasolacrimal duct. The tears then can drain into the back of the throat and to the back of the tongue. If this is bothersome you can perform punctual occlusion after instillation of eye drop. This is performed by applying mild pressure to the bottom lid near the nose for a minute or so. This will prevent the tears from draining and allow for greater absorption of eye drops.
That can be normal because the excess eye drop flows down the nasolacrimal canal into your nose and then drips down the back of your throat. If you want to minimize tasting the eye drop, then block the opening with your fingers by pushing on the eyelids next to your nose and tilting your head back to instill the eye drop, then toward your ear where the extra liquid can drip out. 
Hope that helps! 
No, that is pretty normal. The eyes, the nose and the mouth are all connected. You can pinch the bridge of your nose if you want to decrease the amount of eye drops that can go down the back of your throat.

Yes, you can taste eye solution/medications due to some of the solution flowing into the lacrimal drainage system or "tear ducts" in the corner of the eye lids. Other than the distasteful experience, there is typically not a problem with a small amount of medication/solution going into your throat via the nasal passages. It is possible to minimize the drainage into the
nasal cavity by putting light pressure on the corner of your eyelids (eyes closed) for approximately 1-2 minutes after using medications in the eyes.

Dr. Amy Bishop
Often times we taste the eye drops when we instill them in our eyes. It is actually a good sign that the channel that connects the eyes to drain the excess of tears to the nasal cavity. This is the same system that if it’s blocked can cause over flow of tears in some patients. There is nothing abnormal in tasting your eye drops when instilled into your eyes.
NO, it is very common to taste eye drops as the eye can drain into your mouth. There are certain drops that states this as a side effect.
That’s the normal physiological process. Through the eyes, nasolacrimal duct, and then into the nose and pharynx.
It’s not unusual to taste your eye drops. Everyone has a small opening in the corner of each eyelid by the side of your nose. This opening allows tears to drain down into your nose, draining further down to the back of your throat. That’s why your nose runs whenever you cry and that's why you taste the drops!

Feel along the side of your nose, by the corner of your eye and you will feel a depression, or groove, running down the side of your nose. That’s the pathway the tear drain goes through to get from your eyelid into your nose. If you press against your nose right there, you will close the drain. In order to stop tasting your eye drops, then press along that depression right after you place the drop in your eye. Close your eye and hold the pressure for 30 seconds and let the medication soak into your eye where it belongs. After 30 seconds, release the pressure and wipe your eye with a tissue. Voila, none of the medication will go into your nose and throat where you can taste it!
It is normal to taste your eye drops. The drops drain away through your nasolacrimal duct which drains tears away. This duct empties into the back of your throat, where it hits the taste buds on the base of the tongue. If you can taste your eye drops, it means you did it right.