Hospitalist Questions Hospitalist

I think I have food poisoning?

I believe I got food poisoning and I had diarrhea and everything I ate is out of my system. However, I keep needing to go to the restroom and pooping out nothing but blood and no stool. Should I go to a doctor with this or is this normal for food poisoning?

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: N/a
Conditions: N/a

4 Answers

You probably have proctitis or hemorrhoidal bleeding. You should see your physician.
If you have had diarrhea for just one day without fever or much discomfort you should recover on your own over a few days. I would avoid milk products and raw food for 3 days. If you get worse rather than better with fever and worsening lower abdominal cramps, you should see your doctor. That pattern is seen with shigella a bacterial infection. These days, 1 gram of Xithromax seems to be the antibiotic of choice. To hasten your recovery, you could take pepto bismol 1 four times daily for 3 days. This will make the stool black.
You should see a physician needed. Sometimes post-infectious irritable bowel is a concern. Sometimes it can be Giardia.
Blood in the stool is not that typical of just food poisoning so, yes, you should get evaluated for this.