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I think I may have Aspergers?

I can't wear certain fabrics I have to cut out tags and hate people touching me. I zone out a lot, sometimes I don't respond when people talk to me, I have social anxiety and trouble maintaining conversations. I have obsessions with certain topics and can't stop thinking about them or talking about them. I can't stand some foods touching another. I have to make certain sounds or fidget to feel comfortable. I like routines and get flustered if any change occurs.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 9 years
Conditions: N/A

5 Answers

Hello Madam, 

Sorry to hear that you are suffering. I cannot give you a diagnosis without evaluating you. It won't be ethical. In case you have not sought help, despite suffering from these symptoms for 9 years, I think it would be beneficial for you to contact a licensed psychologist in your area and see them as soon as possible and find solutions so you stop suffering.  
Take care and remain safe. 

Dr. Lata Sonpal
Dear Maybe Asperger's,

The following reply is for informational purposes only and is not a diagnosis or treatment.

The conditions and symptoms you mention are often seen in people who qualify for an Asperger's diagnosis. If you feel these sensory and social issues are making problems for you, then you could consider seeking a diagnostic evaluation from a psychologist who is experienced in working with autistic women. We are learning that the presentation for some autistic women is very different from autistic men, so considering your gender will be important in the diagnostic process.

If you are considering seeking talk therapy, the therapist may be more helpful if they are likewise knowledgeable about autism, sensory processing differences, social anxiety in autism, and autistic women. If you live on the East Coast, Felicity House in NYC is a service agency focused specifically on supporting autistic women.
Sounds like you have a combination of ocd and autism (asperger's). You need someone to help guide you through this. Don't choose a counselor that sees you as something to fix. Find someone who has actually worked with autism hands on. No book can teach what every person needs because autism is complex and so different for each individual. You find something you really want to try and go for it.
Good thinking – it is possible, but I cannot tell without meeting a person and sometimes adding some psych testing. Why not make an appointment with a psychologist who does such testing, if they think it is called for? Many people do fine in their lives with that diagnosis – some have become quite famous in their fields, in fact. But it is always better to know, and to use whatever methods help manage your life.


Dr. Marian K. Shapiro, Licensed Psychologist
Check this out first as to your symptoms...
Then take a look at:
Consider seeing a psychologist who has experience in dealing with obsessive and compulsive and autism spectrum disorders.