Neurologist Questions Neurologist

I've had head pressure for 48 hrs?

The pressure is more pronounced lying down. Also have had mild, intermittent nausea, lightheadedness whilst standing, intermittent tinnitus, and intense fatigue throughout this period. I have a restrictive-type eating disorder. The past 10 days, I ate about 900 kcal/day and less than 100 mg sodium/day, drank 1-gallon water/day, and walked 4-5 mi/day (one day walked 10 mi). Yesterday, thinking these symptoms were caused by my eating patterns, I tried eating more (1800 kcal, including approx. 3000 mg sodium) walking less (2-3 mi), and drinking less water (1 qt). But today, I feel no better. If anything, the head pressure is worse. It’s starting to feel painful.

Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 48 hr
Conditions: eating disorder

1 Answer

The amount of water and other fluids you are drinking may not be enough to replace the salt and water you are loosing from your exercise program. As well, it may take as long as a week to feel better once you start taking more fluids. The headache may or may not be from fluid balance.