Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor

I was prescribed a z pak?

I have pain in my ear, ear infection, itchy. I was prescribed a z pak by the urgent care for the infection I’m on day two no improvement. Is this commonly prescribed for ear infections? Do you think this will help if I continue with the rest of the pak?

Female | 38 years old

4 Answers

Finish it off
Yes. Take all as prescribed. If it is a bacterial infection, the zpac should knock it out. 
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Zpak is not the first choice for ear infections unless specific circumstances - outer or middle ear infection? Do you have any chronic med. problems, antibiotic allergies, recent or current antibiotics for other reasons? A lot of variables.
Z-packs are not used to treat your symptoms and can be discontinued. Topical emollients will assist to improve the itchy ears.