Abdominal Surgeon Questions Abdominal Surgeon

I was told I have an inflamed stomach but I’m not getting better?

I was recently diagnosed with stomach inflammation and have been on medications. It’s been two weeks since I’ve started on it and I still haven’t gotten better. I had symptoms for nearly a month before being diagnosed. I’ve stopped eating gluten entirely and it has helped a bit. Why am I not getting better?

Female | 18 years old
Medications: Omeprozol, pantoprazole.

4 Answers

You should also abstain from caffeine, soda, alcohol, and smoking. These all contribute to increased acidity, and perpetuates the inflammation. Taking peptobismol may help relieve some of your symptoms.
Was there a stomach mucosal biopsy done for H. Pylori? Please do an ultrasound of the gall bladder.
I'm afraid I need more detail to try to get you some answers. For example, I need to know what exactly are your symptoms. What is meant by "stomach inflammation"? Did you have an endoscopy to make that diagnosis or it is just a guess (by an ER doctor or urgent care) based on your symptoms? The medications you list are anti-acids, but if you are not better, then this suggests that your problem is not related to acid at all. A proper history and physical exam by a good PCP or GI doctor should get you on the right track.
Start Acupuncture with moxibustion. Consult Functional Medicine. Start Alive MVI maximum potency for women. Vitamin C 2,000 mg daily with Ros Hips and Bioflavonoids. Methyl Vitamin B12 lozenges 25 mg daily. Magnesium citrate softgel 400 mg daily. Zinc picolinate 100 mg capsules daily. Vitamin D3 softgel 7,000 IU softgel daily. Start organic, non-GMO, green Mediterranean diet. Start liquid Loquat and liquid Chlorophyll daily.