Naturopathic Doctor Questions Naturopathic Medicine

Incense safety?

Is it safe to infuse drinks with incense? I know it's dangerous to inhale but some bars will infuse cocktails with the smoke. What are the dangers of that?

Female | 21 years old

9 Answers

Interesting question
There are many types of Incense.
And responses vary widely from person to person.
Consult an allergist.
I have no idea.
Incense might contain unknown chemicals that might be toxic to the human body so I would not recommend this combination. And if you are drinking, drink moderately and use Uber.
Basically, it is not safe to combine drinks with incense, but depends on the chemicals or the material that is used for incense.
Sounds like a fleeting fad, like sucking washer pods. You are right to be cautious, follow your instincts when you're not sure. Incense is made of herbal and wood powder, fragrance material, adhesive powder, and bamboo stick. I wouldn't want to ingest any of those things.
Some infuse drinks they put dry ice inside. Carbon dioxide solids commonly known as Dry Ice. Swallowing dry ice is for more dangerous than holding it. Dry ice can freeze tissue in the mouth, esophagus ,and stomach. The most significant risk, however, is the sublimation of dry ice into gaseous carbon dioxide. An extreme increase in stress can burst your stomach and even kill you. Dry ice sinks to the bottom of the drink, so it's sometimes found in special mist-effect cocktails. The biggest danger is probably when people try to " smoke " dry ice, they put a small piece of dry ice in their mouth to take a puff, but there is a real risk of accidentally swallowing dry ice.