Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) | Foot Surgery Questions Ingrown Nail

Ingrown toenail aftermath

2 weeks ago I had an ingrown toenail removed. Only 1/3 of the nail was removed. I was denied oral antibiotics because I couldn't afford the payment for the ER visit. I have no insurance. They did give me a antibiotic shot in my glute the day it was removed. I was able to keep my toe clean. I took off the bandage 2 days later. I've been letting it air out and it was leaking fluid but that has stopped. It now looks like a blood scab has formed where the toe nail was removed. About 4 days ago, I started to feel pressure on my whole toe. The toe nail that is left seems to be loose. It also looks a little swollen. It doesn't really hurt but I feel pressure. I don't know if I should go to another urgent care. Please let me know what i should do.

Female | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

Yeah, so the problem is you stop dressing, the toe, and it dried up to prematurely, trapping fluid from the procedure and that’s why you’re getting swelling. I don’t see infection from the photo. My recommendation is dress the toe daily with an over-the-counter antibiotic cream if you can find it or antibiotic ointment otherwise and keep it dressed changing daily for about 3 weeks. Make sure to keep the dressing on while taking showers and then change after. You can soak in Epsom salts and water for a few days to help reduce the swelling and soreness.