Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Intertriginous dermatitis?

After a busy days work, I keep getting this pain from my scrotum. Later when I checked it, the spot has gotten swollen and white, covered with oil. I cleaned it and applied Penicillin but the oil keeps coming out. Please is it advisable to keep scrubbing it clean? How can I treat it?

Male | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Penicillin injection powder, ampiclox

1 Answer


Intertrigo can be caused by various conditions. For a condition like this, it is best to be seen and evaluated in person for diagnosis and treatment regimen. In the meantime, keep the area dry and use powders to help absorb moisture. Moisture and friction tends to cause flares of dermatitis in this location.
Hope this helps.


Dr. Vaidya