“Is acupuncture good for pneumonia?”
I am a 27 year old female. I want to know if acupuncture is good for pneumonia?
17 Answers
Acupuncture with cupping, herbs, and sometimes massage works well for pneumonia and also the common cold.
Pneumonia always needs labs and diagnostic studies. After seeing your MD, acupuncture can definitely help you recover and heal faster.
Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
It could help, but you should really see a doctor first.
Lejla Fazlicic
Acupuncture is good to support the immune system, improve healing, and reduce inflammation.
Dr. Leila
Dr. Leila
No, you need to go see your doctor. Pneumonia can kill and needs to be treated appropriately and fairly quickly.
Research studies show that acupuncture is beneficial for cases of pneumonia. Some studies have found acupuncture is best for stroke patients in preventing pneumonia and others suggest acupuncture will help the patient with reduced severity of pneumonia. With Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) various conditions may be treated by various methods. Sometimes it is better to treat a condition with acupuncture, sometimes it’s better to treat it with herbs, and sometimes it’s better to treat it with both. To me, coughing & lung issues are already difficult to treat and it would be best to use a combination of acupuncture & herbal supplements for their synergistic effects. Check with your primary to see if you would be a good candidate for alternative medicine.
When combined with conventional medicine, acupuncture with herbs can strengthen the immune system to tackle pneumonia.
Absolutely, but it should be combined with dietary therapy like adding better greens such as watercress juice to your diet.
Yes, acupuncture can help you recover from pneumonia. But do it along with whatever your western medical doc is prescribing. Don't stop following their prescriptions because you're getting acupuncture treatments.
Yes. Acupuncture can be used to treat pneumonia but I recommend you are seeing your medical doctor as well because antibiotics and other interventions may be necessary.
If you know, for sure, you have pneumonia, you need to visit your primary care provider and get a prescription for antibiotics. If you think you have pneumonia, but aren't sure, you need to visit your primary care provider to get properly diagnosed.
Even in younger folks, pneumonia isn't something to let slide - it can be life-threatening if not properly treated.
Short answer: no.
Even in younger folks, pneumonia isn't something to let slide - it can be life-threatening if not properly treated.
Short answer: no.