“Is excessive sweating a sign of heart problem?”
My husband sweats a lot. Does this always mean a strain on the heart or could it be something else?
2 Answers
It could be a sign, especially if there is a history of prior heart disease or risk factors. It is always good to get checked out. Barring heart disease, there are several other reasons for excessive sweating. But it is the safest approach to rule out heart disease.
Sheila Kar, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P.
Sheila Kar, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P.
Excessive sweating is not likely to indicate a heart attack. Sweating, or diaphoresis, is associated at times with heart attacks but there are a lot of more prominent symptoms. Excessive perspiration would not be one of the major symptoms. Chest pressure associated with stress, exercise, or any increased demand on the heart is the main symptom of a heart attack, especially in men.