“Is it OK to postpone a root canal after 1st treatment?”
Meanwhile, a record-beating covid surge has developed here, in New York City. I’ve read that the severity of the symptoms partly depends on the amount of exposure. I can’t imagine anything that gives more exposure to covid than a lengthy dental procedure. I’ll be without a mask. Two people, a dentist, and an assistant will be digging around in my mouth for hours. These people have been digging around other people’s mouths for 8 hours a day.
I’ve had 3 vaccine doses, but Omicron seems to be good at evading vaccine protection. My question is this: is it OK to postpone the root canal procedure for a month or more? Will such a postponement screw up my tooth? What would you advise?
Male | 46 years old
5 Answers
Regarding your Covid concerns, you should discuss that with your dentist. If the office is taking the necessary precautions with hard surface disinfection, air purification, proper use of PPE and the normal safeguards for infection control, you should not have a worry. In that respect, they are just as afraid of catching something from their patients. I have not read of any doctor/patient Covid transmission since reopening after the shutdown. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened or that it can't, but the odds are extremely low if everything is done right. Ultimately, the decision is yours. Talk to your dentist, express your concerns, and make that decision based on facts, not fear, and on what is best for your overall health.
Dr. Michael Conrad
C Jensen DDS, MD