Neurologist Questions

Is it a migraine??

I've been having pounding headaches for at least 5 months now and I'm starting to worry. my nose gets hot and my eyes start to hurt. it gets worse w bright lights and loud sounds.

Female | 15 years old
Complaint duration: 5 months
Medications: zoloft

3 Answers

A simple 3 question screener for use in primary care settings is the "ID Migraine Test" as follows...

(1) Do you feel nauseated or sick to your stomach?
(2) Did your headache limit you from working, studying, or doing what you needed to do for any day in the previous 3 months?
(3) Does light bother you a lot more than when you don't have headaches?

If you answer positive to 2/3 of the questions, there is a 75% chance it is migraine. It is an even higher chance with 3/3 positive responses.

Would be best to get in with your PCP to further discuss
It sounds like migraines. If there's a family history even more likely.Have your parents take you to a Neurologist to determine further diagnostic evaluation and treatment options.  Good Luck.  Dr.F. Sent from AOL on Android
Yes, this is probably migraine. Over the counter Excedrin may help if you dont have any stomach problems, nor any of the other contraindications listed on the label. There are also many prescription medications for migraine. Leon Rosenberg