Dentist Questions Dentist

Is it bad to skip brushing your teeth one night?

I am a 22 year old female. I want to know if it is bad to skip brushing your teeth one night?

3 Answers

While not the best action to endorse, there would probably not be long lasting harm done in your mouth if you did not brush for one night before going to sleep. I certainly would NOT make it a habit, as continued neglect would certainly have detrimental consequences for you. If you miss one night, brush first thing in the morning.
You will survive. Unfortunately, it just allows bacteria to continue to build and create a higher acidic environment. At least rinse with water, use your finger to scrub your teeth a little, then get back to the toothbrush.

If you skip brushing one night, then brush your teeth the next morning or as soon as possible. The goal is not to have too much plaque build-up, which can increase cavity risks.