Doctor Questions Doctor

Is it internal bleeding?

My 26 yr. old nephew had broken ribs and was put on leave about 3 months ago. Since he has been developing an area towards his back on the ribs thats swelled up and dark purple. His significant tried popping it a few weeks ago thinking it was a zit or something. It bled profusely and got a lot smaller and lightened to a pinkish color. It's returned now and is bigger than ever and dark purple again. It's definitely not a zit or anything like that. It's smooth and nearly blackish. He isn't on any medications he's 28 and is over weight and was told that he's bordering on diabetes but isn't treated for any problems. The break worsened a few days after it happened while he was coughing. Is it possible he has some internal bleeding from the break.

Male | 28 years old
Complaint duration: Approximately 3 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Overweight but basically healthy

2 Answers

Consult Endocrinology and NP for complete physical exam with PA and lateral X-rays.
I would recommend seeing a physician.