Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Is it normal for a 5 year old to lose a tooth?

My son is 5 years old. I want to know if it is normal for a 5 year old to lose a tooth?

7 Answers

While the 'average' age to lose a tooth is around 5, it is an average and 5 is not abnormal.
Could be. The age ranges varies, but 5 years is within the normal time frame.
If it is a baby tooth, yes. 
It is definitely normal for a five-year-old to lose a baby tooth. Most children lose their first tooth on average between five and six years old. It is also common to have six-year molars grow in around the same time in the very back behind the primary or baby molars. Congratulations to your little one!

Dr. Montoya
A little early but not abnormal
The average age to lose a tooth is 6 years old. There are children who lose teeth earlier based on gender and ethnicity. One of the best predictors of a child losing teeth earlier than average is if their baby teeth came in earlier. For example, if a baby get their first tooth around 4 months they are more likely to lose teeth early as well. In short, yes it is perfectly normal to lose teeth are 5 years old.

Marc D. Thomas, DDS
Perfectly normal