Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Is it normal to feel your breast implants?

I am a 23 year old female. I want to know if it is normal to feel your breast implants?

4 Answers

That is not totally unusual. It depends on a number of issues such as the size of the implants that were placed, the placement of your implants above or below your pectoralis muscle, the size/shape of your breasts prior to surgery, the thickness of your chest wall tissue, etc. Oftentimes, patients can feel the implant along the underside of their breasts, but in most patients, they are not palpable.
Depending on your anatomy and the placement of the implant, being able to feel the implant is certainly possible. For example, if you started with an A cup and have larger implants (>400cc), you will most certainly be able to feel them at the lower outer portion of the breast (inferolaterally).
Hope this helps!
Yes. You should be instructed
Thank you for your question.

After undergoing breast implants surgery, it is normal to feel them. Most specifically the weight in your chest. There is an adaptation period for your body to somewhat incorporate the added weight of the implants. With time, that feel will disappear, and you will have s normal feel.

Luis A. Laurentin-Perez, MD PhD.