Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Is it normal to have pain after a root canal procedure?

I will have a root canal procedure. Is it normal to have pain after a root canal procedure?

4 Answers

Is it normal to have pain after a root canal procedure? Hello, Here at Fine Dental Care, if you have no pain before a root canal procedure, it is very common to have no pain afterward. If you have pain prior to the root canal procedure, then the pain you have will go away immediately or within a day or 2. Here's a way to eliminate any pain or discomfort anywhere or anytime you have it. There was a study over a decade ago that showed that 3 Advil (600mg) and 1 Tylenol (650mg) were more effective than opioids (such asTylenol #3, Percocet, Percodan, etc.) for pain relief and prevention for most people. This applies to dental pain, headaches, body aches, feeling under the weather, etc.
Slight discomfort for up to 3 days post operative is acceptable .Any type of a strong pain should be a concern and the patient is encouraged to contact the dentist who did a procedure.
That is a great question! The procedure should be relatively pain free. A local anesthesia will be administered. Some mild pain can be expected after the procedure is completed. OTC NSAIDS can be used to help alleviate pain, make sure you check with your physician to ensure youre healthy enough for NSAIDS. If the pain persists beyond what NSAIDS can help with, or if it lasts for more than a couple days; or extreme swelling, purulence, or fracture of the remaining tooth, its advisable to contact your provider for a reevaluation. Hope it helps! Dr P