Surgeon Questions Surgery

Is it normal to have pain after hernia surgery?

I had hernia surgery 2 days ago. It hurts. Is it normal to have pain after hernia surgery?

5 Answers

Some amount of pain as expected. Ongoing pain, less likely. Talk to your surgeon.
Hello, yes it is normal to have pain after surgery. Most people start to feel like themselves again within 5-14days. But if you feel like the pain is worsening or you have fevers or become nauseous you should see your doctor.
Yes. I have performed many hernia repairs and there is a moderate amount of pain after hernia surgery. Whether inguinal , abdominal or incisional. I believe it is because there is significant tissue dissection that must be done to do the repair.
Yes, it takes 6-12 months to heal
Yes. I usually prescribe 5 days of pain medication, although many patients do not need to take it for that long. Soreness and discomfort will persist for at least 2 weeks and sometimes up to 4-6 weeks.