“Is it okay to get a crown without a root canal?”
I will get a crown without a root canal. Is it okay to get a crown without a root canal?
5 Answers
It is done all the time. Often a root canal will be needed afterward. You are getting the crown for a reason, deep decay, broken down etc. The tooth could have been damaged inwardly towards the pulp as well as externally necessitating the crown. I would suggest seeing an endodontist for an opinion about the likelihood of needing a root canal after the crown. If it seems likely, then doing the root canal first will save some headaches with the tooth acting up and damaging a brand-new crown to do the root canal. The root canal can always be done after the crown, but then the crown needs to be repaired or replaced, but if a fracture is found, you lose the tooth AND the new crown. Good luck.
That depends on the situation. A qualified dentist should examine and explain your case. Warning: It can be dangerous to self diagnose or treat medical or dental issues based on advice from the internet. Always allow a licensed doctor to examine your situation and discuss proper treatment options before making the internet your doctor.
Yes it is. The tooth probably has either a very large filling or a portion of the tooth has fractured.
Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson