Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Physiatrist

Is my back pain serious enough to go to the hospital?

Hi my name is Amanda, I am 18 years old and a female. I popped my back 4 days ago trying to crack it and the past three days the left side of my back has been hurting and achy and it gets worse with rest. I dont know if it’s serious enough to go to the doctor or not.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Setraline.
Conditions: Anxiety/Depression. Asthma.

6 Answers

Hi Amanda,

I'm sorry to hear about your discomfort. When you experience pain following an attempt to crack your back, it's a signal from your body that something might not be right. The fact that your pain has persisted for a few days and worsens with rest suggests that you may have strained a muscle or, less commonly, caused some other form of irritation or minor injury to the structures in your back.

While it's not uncommon for people to experience some soreness after attempting to crack their back, persistent pain, especially pain that intensifies with rest, warrants a closer look. Here are a few considerations:

1. Rest and Heat: Initially, you might find some relief with rest and applying heat to the affected area. This can help alleviate muscle tension and reduce pain.

2. Over-the-Counter Pain Relief: Non-prescription pain relievers can help manage your discomfort. However, it's important to use these as directed and consider any personal health conditions or medications that might interact with them.

3. Gentle Movement: Sometimes, light stretching or gentle movement can help relieve pain, as staying in one position for too long may increase stiffness and discomfort.

However, since your pain is persistent and worsens with rest, I recommend scheduling an appointment with a healthcare professional. They can perform a thorough evaluation to ensure there's no serious underlying issue and provide you with the appropriate treatment. It's always better to be cautious, especially when it comes to back pain, as early intervention can prevent potential complications.

In the future, be cautious with self-manipulation of the spine. While it can provide temporary relief, improper technique can lead to injuries. Physical therapy or professional chiropractic care are safer alternatives for addressing back discomfort and improving spinal health.

Take care, and I hope you find relief soon.
Hi Amanda, as it has only been 3 days you could wait, take Tylenol or Advil, stretch your back gently. If pain doesn't get better or gets worse in a week or so then see your doctor

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Since it has been a few days and your back is not feeling better and pain
is worse at rest I would get it looked at.
If you are having numbness or tingling anywhere or bowel or bladder problems, then you need to head to the Emergency room as you may have spinal compression concerns. If not then make an appointment with your PCP or go to the Urgent care to get an X- ray to rule out any fractures.
Hey Amanda. Thanks for reaching out. I would say if the pain continues to linger for a couple more days, then go for it. It certainly can’t hurt to get some professional help, and most of the time nipping it in the bud is the best thing you can do.
Yes, you should go to the hospital due to your back hurting even at rest.