Orthopedist Questions Osteoarthritis

Is osteoarthritis a heriditary disease?

My mother and grandfather both had osteoarthritis . Is it likely that I can suffer from this disease too? Is there any way that I can prevent it from occurring for me?

11 Answers

There is certainly a genetic component to osteoarthritis, but not absolute.
Osteoarthritis is not necessarily hereditary but certainly we see it in some families more often. You can improve your chances by avoiding obesity, exercising regularly but avoiding contact sports and a healthy diet is beneficial too.
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Osteoarthritis is not a hereditary disease. The best way to prevent osteoarthritis is to be conscious of your diet and engage in healthy lifestyle activities.
Yes, osteoarthritis is hereditary. Unfortunately, there is no cure at this time. You can't really prevent it, but staying in shape with exercise and maintaining a good body weight can help delay your symptoms. Also, just because certain members of your family has it does not mean you will get it. Glucosamine can help maintain cartilage strength, but you need to take a top brand such as OsteoBiflex or Cosamin DS.
While the osteoarthritis diagnosis follows some familial patterns, the serious disability is less common and can be reduced by weight loss, isometric exercise, and cycling.
There’s not a direct hereditary link. But there is a predisposition. If both your parents had asked you arthritis without any associated trauma cause then you will have a slight increased chance of having osteoarthritis. On the other hand if they’re arthritis was caused by some injury earlier in life such as an athletic injury then you probably won’t have an increased likelihood
Most likely it is, but not proven!
Yes, osteoarthritis is a heritable trait, but you can “override" the acquisition of the disease by simply doing a few things that help all humans on the planet. My own mother had 2 knee replacements and grandparents on both sides of my family had severe arthritis. I am a 60-year-old orthopaedic surgeon who takes no meds and has no health issues and the one thing that probably keeps me from getting “bad joints” is that I stay busy and try to get at least 2 good workouts in every week. I try to eat well, although I must admit to enjoying a couple of beers on 1 or 2 nights during the week, but I have no other vices. Everything you eat that is good for your heart and cardiovascular system is ALSO good for your cartilage.
So don’t condemn yourself even though you may have a bad gene predilection. What you do and what you put into your body count more in this case.
Dr. Mudano
Hello, this is Dr. Cahill. I’m happy to answer your question. I’m going to give you some additional information to hopefully make this encounter worth your while. Arthritis is an inflammatory degenerative disease of cartilage. Cartilage is the soft cushiony surface that lubricates our bodies joints. Arthritis degrades cartilage and makes it rough and inflamed. The joint has a lining called the synovium. This also becomes inflamed and produces chemicals that further irritate the joint.

Now to specifically answer your question: arthritis is caused by multiple factors. Heredity is most certainly one of them. Inheritance is not absolute. Injuries, years of hard physical work, and body weight also contribute to one’s chances of getting arthritis. Staying in good shape and being active can lessen one’s chances of getting arthritis. I hope my thoughts on arthritis have helped you. Please feel free to contact our office should you need further assistance.
Yes, arthritis does have a hereditary component, so you may be more likely to get it as compared to another with no family history. However, just because your parents or family members have arthritis, you may or may not get it later in life. There is no way to completely avoid arthritis, but a few things that can help are as follows:

1. Keep your weight down. 1 lb extra around your waist puts 3 lbs of extra pressure on your knees.
2. Avoid impact loading activities/exercises. Best are swimming and cycling.
3. Stretch - stiff joints are often painful joints. Stretch the hamstrings and hip muscles and lumbar spine as much as possible.
4. Vitamin D - take 5000 units per day.
5. Keep your muscles tone with weights, but avoid squats or lunges.

Hope this helps,

Dr. Bose
In addition to hereditary factors and other forms of arthritis, several other risk factors increase the risk for developing osteoarthritis, including other hereditary disorders, obesity, and injuries to or around the joint. Preventing osteoarthritis involves maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding injury.