Surgeon Questions surgeon

Is surgery necessary for anal fissure?

I was diagnosed with anal fissure. Is surgery necessary for anal fissure?

5 Answers

No, you can treat this with stool softeners, topical creams (like diaper creams or even preparation H) and a diet high in fiber and water.
Not always. May want to try topical nitroglycerin or diltazem cream. Also botox can work. The trick is to try to relax the anal sphincter. If this fails the a 5 minute operation will usually fix the problem
Anal fissures that have been going on for less than a month, can be treated with increasing water intake, avoiding spicy foods, high fiber diet or fiber supplement such as metamucil, miralax, benefiber, or citrucel, sometimes in addition to stool softeners. Often, an ointment that is comprised of lidocaine and nifedipine or nitroglycerin is prescribed to aid with pain relief and diminish anal sphincter spasm. Warm baths also help with this. If after one month of adhering to these measures there is no resolution, surgery may be indicated.
Sometimes, in cases that are chronic and not responding to medical therapy with topical nitroglycerine and oral laxatives.
If conservative management fails, yes.