“Is there a surgery to make feet smaller?”
I am a 28 year old female. I want to know if there is a surgery to make feet smaller?
3 Answers
Intriguing question!
What I would say is that there are not any good plastic surgery techniques to reduce the size of feet currently. Most surgeries in that arena belong to podiatry and to foot and ankle (a branch of orthopedic surgery). Providers in those fields often perform surgeries to help correct deviated toes, such as bunion surgery for a deformed great toe. They often also perform partial or complete toe amputations in the case of diabetic foot disease or trauma. Ray amputations and TMAs (transmetatarsal amputations) are examples of these surgeries, which, while technically reducing the size of the feet, are definitely not done for elective, cosmetic reasons. Beyond these types of scenarios, though, I'm hard pressed to think of a technique or approach that reduces the entire size of the feet!
Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM
What I would say is that there are not any good plastic surgery techniques to reduce the size of feet currently. Most surgeries in that arena belong to podiatry and to foot and ankle (a branch of orthopedic surgery). Providers in those fields often perform surgeries to help correct deviated toes, such as bunion surgery for a deformed great toe. They often also perform partial or complete toe amputations in the case of diabetic foot disease or trauma. Ray amputations and TMAs (transmetatarsal amputations) are examples of these surgeries, which, while technically reducing the size of the feet, are definitely not done for elective, cosmetic reasons. Beyond these types of scenarios, though, I'm hard pressed to think of a technique or approach that reduces the entire size of the feet!
Nirav B. Patel, MD, JD, FACS, FCLM