Cardiologist | Cardiovascular Disease Questions Cardiologist

Is this medication safe to take?

I am taking a medication called olmesartin med. tablets The side effect of that prescription is chest pain. I have had an x-ray. What else can they try to determine? I also take a blood pressure medication and I am having chest pain. I did not have any pain in my chest until after my blood clot that I have had 3 years ago.

Female | 49 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: Zig duo, Topamate
Conditions: Diabetes, Migraines And high blood pressure A blood clot in longs 3 years ago

1 Answer

I cannot tell from your question.  Olmesartan is not typically associated with any sort of chest pain. The type of chest pain is important and therefore this is a question best directed to the person who prescribed the medication. By the way, Zig duo is not a medication I can identify, and it may be Xigduo XR.
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