Surgeon Questions

Just had surgery

I had surgery and shortly after I was looking all around my body and noticed I had what appeared to be a healed ring worm thing and on my butt cheek a potentially active infection and if I had/have those whats to say there aren't hidden ones and if that's the case do I need to worry about getting a fungal infection from the surgery?

Male | 24 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day

3 Answers

You did not say what type of surgery you had and when, however I do not know of any case of a patient getting a fungal skin infection FROM surgery. The surgical suite is sterile and prior surgery the skin site is prepped and draped to decrease skin flora. If the surgical site is clean and dry, then anything else would be unrelated to surgery itself.
I would not worry about the infection. Keep an eye on the areas. If they do not get better, contact your PCP who can prescribe a cream to treat it.
Dr. F
Consult Integrative Medicine. You need to work on your innate immunity.