Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Nephrologist

Kidney and breathing problem

Hey my grandmother is suffering from kidney disease and since 5 days she's in the icu and yesterday her breath goes off so she was put on ventilator but she is unconscious and only her pulse and breath is there, no movement and no eye movement is there, are there any chances of her living still

Female | 69 years old
Complaint duration: 1

1 Answer

That’s a tough question to answer, because there are still so many variables that can come in to play. But if I’m working with what you gave me your purse, have to know if she’s getting medication to keep her sedated or not. Now sedation should not affect any movement. But anyone with kidney disease and organ failure and in this case her lungs, the overall chances of survival go down. It doesn’t mean it’s zero it just goes down. As of now, the statistics show that having an acute kidney injury while on a ventilator and requiring dialysis, the mortality rate can go up to 90%. but again there’s a huge range and there are multiple variables that you come in to play. I wish I could offer more insight.