Emergency Physician Questions emergency pain

Knee Injury Never Healed

Almost a year ago I partially tore my MCL playing hockey. I took the time off I was told to, but to this day that knee has very little strength and occasionally feels extra sore. It also sometimes looks swollen still. What should i do?

Female | 18 years old

5 Answers

Sounds like you should see your primary care and may need some imaging.
A few questions: 1) did you get a MRI at the time confirming the MCL tear? 2) did you go through physical therapy?

It may be worth getting a repeat MRI if the injury impacts your daily activity. If it did not respond to rest and modified activity, then based on the repeat MRI result there could be a discussion about surgical intervention
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See an Orthopedic surgeon for further evaluation. No sports, running and minimize use of stairs. If this is your right knee, avoid driving. If it is your left and you drive a manual transmission, avoid driving until cleared to do so. Certainly, no hockey or sports until medically cleared.
Follow up with an orthopedist or someone who specializes in sports medicine. There are a variety of ways to evaluate the knee and make sure everything has healed with way it should have. Appropriate rehab technique is important. There are lots of non-invasive ways to increase strength, decrease swelling, and get you back to what you like to do.
This is not uncommon with ligament damage. You could start with reimaging the knee to be sure something new hasn’t occurred. If this is all from your initial injury, PRP (platelet-rich plasma) joint injections are wonderful to help with the healing and discomfort. Physical therapy in conjunction with the treatments is ideal to help you regain strength and function.