Dr. Bharat Kothakota, MD
Emergency Physician
Dr. Bharat Kothakota is a board-certified Emergency Physician currently practicing in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Kothakota has completed his training between Washington, DC and New York City before moving to Los Angeles. Over the past 9 years, Dr. Kothakota has served the Los Angeles community by working in the Emergency Room, providing care and stabilizing the sickest of patients that come through his doors. Dr. Kothakota has also served as the Medical Director of his Emergency Rooms, working tirelessly to bring the best standards of care to his patients. Dr. Kothakota has developed his skill set in Aesthetic Medicine
16 years
Dr. Bharat Kothakota, MD
- Los Angeles, CA
- Howard University
- Accepting new patients
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Salmonella is not something we commonly are concerned about through a cut in the finger, unless you have been handling raw foods such as chicken with the open wound. We would want READ MORE
Salmonella is not something we commonly are concerned about through a cut in the finger, unless you have been handling raw foods such as chicken with the open wound. We would want to know if your tetanus is up to date, and if you were in the Emergency Room, we would likely wash it out and stitch if big enough.
Complications after hernia surgery
There is to be expected mild bruising and swelling and pain after the surgery. Based on the timeline after your surgery there are concerns to be considered about. A post-operative READ MORE
There is to be expected mild bruising and swelling and pain after the surgery. Based on the timeline after your surgery there are concerns to be considered about. A post-operative infection is one. If you are feeling redness and warmth to your stomach along with hardness there is a concern about post-operative complications. We would likely do a CT in the ER with your complaints, especially after a surgery
Knee Injury Never Healed
A few questions: 1) did you get a MRI at the time confirming the MCL tear? 2) did you go through physical therapy? It may be worth getting a repeat MRI if the injury impacts READ MORE
A few questions: 1) did you get a MRI at the time confirming the MCL tear? 2) did you go through physical therapy?
It may be worth getting a repeat MRI if the injury impacts your daily activity. If it did not respond to rest and modified activity, then based on the repeat MRI result there could be a discussion about surgical intervention
It may be worth getting a repeat MRI if the injury impacts your daily activity. If it did not respond to rest and modified activity, then based on the repeat MRI result there could be a discussion about surgical intervention
There are different levels of burns. A first degree burn is quite painful, but usually just results in redness to the skin, no blistering or peeling. From the picture it does not READ MORE
There are different levels of burns. A first degree burn is quite painful, but usually just results in redness to the skin, no blistering or peeling. From the picture it does not appear to be any skin breakdown, so I'm thinking it's a first degree burn. You can use silvadene cream or a triple antibiotic ointment (like Neosporin) and you should be fine. Anti-inflammatories like Motrin can also be helpful for pain control. If you went to the ER, and there is no skin breakdown, they would treat it the same way.