Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Long-term knee pain?

My knee pain has been with me for as long as I can remember and it is worse when going up and down a steep hill. Also, the common medication did not relieve pain much.

Male | 14 years old
Complaint duration: 18/1/7
Medications: Zyrtec
Conditions: None of my knowledge

7 Answers

At your age, I suspect you have anterior knee syndrome or what we call “patellofemoral syndrome” - I would advise seeing a physical therapist and if no response to therapy, perhaps see Orthopaedist or Sports Medicine doctor
You need to get the knee pain evaluated, if arthritis we can advise you further
Seek a local PT for a consultation.
May have Osgood-Schlatters growth line irritation.If so pain usually goes away when full growth is complete.
Likely early wear if your kneecap.
At your age it could be many things some of which are very serious. This should be evaluated by a pain specialist or orthopedic physician

You are not supposed to have long-term knee pain at your age. An evaluation from a board certified orthopedic surgeon can definitely give you some insight as to why you are hurting. You are still growing. Overuse injuries are very common in your age group. I’m confident you can improve with a good evaluation. Please get seen.
Thank you.