Internal Medicine Questions Internal Medicine

Low White Blood Cell count?

I use the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) Healthcare System. The VA Blood Laboratory Range is considered Low if: a. White Blood Cell count is below: 4.8 10*9/L and b. HGB count is below: 14 g/dL.

For many years, I have had Slight Chronic Low HGB - Anemia - of 13.4; 13.7; and 13.8 and an even Lower White Blood Cell count of: 2.9 to 3.9.

Recently, I went to the Emergency Room and ended up spending five (5) days in the Hospital for (1) Acute Respiratory Failure - Secondary to COVD-19 and Pneumonia; (2) COVID -19 Pneumonia; and (3) Sinus Bradycardia.

1. Could both my: a. Slight Chronic Anemia and b. Low White Blood Cell count - have contributed to me getting a COVID-19 Infection?

2. Could just my: Low White Blood Cell count - have contributed to me getting a COVID-19 Infection?

Male | 68 years old

1 Answer

Yes, the low white blood cell count is a risk factor for infection from any infectious agent. White blood cells include lymphocytes, which are essential in a protective response to viral infections. The result is an impairment in infection defense. An important consideration is "why" are your white blood cells lower than normal. This is essential to discern.
