Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Herniated Discs

Lumbar Herniated Disc question

I have a herniated disc in my lumbar. Can that issue cause pain in your neck and mid to upper back? My neck pain is getting worse every day. I was only given an MRI on my thoracic and lumbar. They never put in an order to give me a cervical MRI despite the ongoing neck pain.

3 Answers

Probably have a disc issue in your neck as well.Get MRI of neck
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Lumbar disc herniations can cause lower back and leg pain but not neck pain. Ideally, you would obtain a Cervical MRI to better asses the source of neck pain. The MRI is indicated if there are any weakness or numbness in the arms/hands and/or if you have failed conservative treatment which includes Physical Therapy and a course NSAIDs.