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Lupus like symptoms, negative ANA?

I got recurring pain in my toes and fingers about 3 weeks ago. I'm rheumatoid factor negative and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) negative. My hair is thinning, itchy scalp sometimes. Some rashes from bug bites and sunburn. Forceful heartbeats at night. Fluid retention around my eyes, sometimes makes my vision blurry in the morning. Sometimes at night shortness of breath, I'm completely exhausted/dizzy/about to pass out and it's hard to breathe. I had discomfort in my left mid-back and felt the need to pee for several days, extremely thirsty. Occasional erks and twitches of limbs when trying to sleep.

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 9 months
Medications: Nuvaring
Conditions: Endometriosis

2 Answers

Thinning hair could be due to multiple factors such as abnormal thyroid function, stress, vitamin deficiency etc. I would recommend getting your thyroid function test (TSH), Take a multivitamin daily, eat healthy, exercise daily and minimize stress/meditate/yoga.
Itchy scalp could be due to dandruff or psoriasis. Check for diabetes by doing a fasting blood sugar and HBA1C- feeling thirsty, increased frequency of urination could be signs of diabetes. I would also recommend getting a CMP and urinalysis to check your kidney function test to evaluate the other symptoms such as puffy eyes.

With a negative ANA we are not worried about Lupus and the symptoms are not concerning for RA or other rheumatologic disorder.

Please work with your PCP to determine the best course of action and consider seeking the opinion of an in person visit with a board-certified rheumatologist to make sure all bases are covered.

Thanks so much!

Best regards,
Dr Brionez