Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Radiologist

MRI results?

Can someone interpret these MRI results? 1 mild multilevel degenerative changes of the cervical inter vertebral discs and facets including a 2mm disc bulges at C3-C4 and C4-C5 and 3mm right posterior lateral disc osteophyte complex at C5-C6. 2. Type 1 endplate changes at C4-C5 consistent with edema. 3. Severe left C2-C3 , moderate bilateral C3-C4 , severe bilateral C4-C5, severe right C5-C6 , moderate bilateral C6-C7 neural for animal narrowing. Should I see an ortho doc. about these MRI results?

Male | 68 years old
Complaint duration: 20 + years from a accident
Medications: none
Conditions: neck pain

1 Answer

I would see a neurosurgeon if you are having neck pain or upper extremity pain/tingling/numbness/weakness.