Neurologist Questions

Migraine for 4 days

I’ve had an ongoing migraine for 4 days about to go into 5. I’m wondering when I should seek medical help

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: Only OTC
Conditions: None

3 Answers

There are medications which might keep the migraine from continuing, so an urgent care visit could be helpful. Its not necessarily a risk for it to go longer. Leon Rosenberg
As soon as possible is the answer. Although a condition known  to diagnosed and documented  migraine sufferers as "Status Migranosus" it still warrants urgent medical attention. You want to address the pain and discomfort and at the same time rule out other problems. Hoping you feel better soon.
If this is your typical migraine, and you had migraines before. Then seek medical help when it becomes uncomfortable.