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Minor soreness below sternum when touched or pressed?

Hello, I was kinda concerned about this mild soreness I have in the mid-section of my topmost abdomen. It's not widespread, just in a small area. I've also noticed that my shoulders and back have been sore as well and occasionally, my left wrist would slightly ache. The weird thing about this is, I'm able to breathe, eat, drink, swallow normally, laugh, talk, and sleep, and also quick aches around my heart as well. I work in the shipment department in retail also, so I just wanted to know if this is from muscle strain or do I need some sort of diagnosis. This mild soreness also started Tuesday night when I began pressing into my abdomen, the night when I had just left work.

Female | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: Birth Control
Conditions: None

1 Answer

Probably job-related muscle strain/sprain aches - like working out too much does. "Stop pressing on it if it hurts when you press it" LOL
After-work yoga, hot-tub/ice bath would be nice. Taking a couple Tylenol or Motrin (NSAID) would help if pain/discomfort persist.