Doctor Questions Veterinarian

Mouse scratch?

2 days ago I was scratched by a mouse. I immediately cleaned with peroxide and rubbing alcohol. It was not deep and I did not bleed. It's healing nicely. Do I need to go in or just watch for certain symptoms?

Female | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 2 Days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers

You should be totally fine as long as it's healing up nicely! If it's still within 2-3 days, I would probably but a topical triple antibiotic on it, but if not, that's totally okay too, especially since it's healing nicely with no evidence of pus, etc.
If you immediately with soap and warm water, and is healing fine, you did what it suppose to be done. Almost never require rabies prophylaxis . thank you.
Just monitor
Just watch for symptoms.