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Multiple lipomatosis?

I suffer from multiethnic lipomas over 100, I want to start to have some removed. What is a normal amount for a doctor to remove? Since I’m only 40 at what age will they if they ever stop developing?

Male | 42 years old
Conditions: Highblood pressure, high cholesterol

2 Answers

Multiple Lipomas: What to Expect
Lipomas are benign fatty lumps, and having many is called familial multiple lipomatosis.

Key Points:
Lipomas can keep forming at any age, but growth may slow over time.
Doctors typically remove 5–10 per session, depending on size and location.
Liposuction or surgery are options if they cause pain or discomfort.
What to Do:
Consult a dermatologist or surgeon for removal options.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle to help manage new growths.
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Most lipomas can be removed quite simply. Stitches will be required. The number removed per session: depends on the surgeon/dermatologist. As a general rule, I do not remove more than 3 per session. Perhaps you have access to a teaching hospital where resident physicians may be able to remove many more per session. When new lipomas will cease to form is an open question.